What makes a good coffee?

What makes a good coffee?

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The definition of a good coffee varies from person to person. This is because different people have different preferences in how they take their coffee. Also, modern coffee can be differentiated based on a number of factors such as varieties, origins, harvesting, roasting and other factors that dictate the taste and flavour of the coffee. However, a few factors are important to consider when choosing “good coffee”, irrespective of ones preferences. This includes-


Coffee of the highest quality are categorized as “speciality coffee”, which has a distinctive taste and flavour profile that is native to the place it is grown in. speciality coffee gets its superior quality flavour from the ideal growing climate, soil and other growing factors. A good quality coffee is a great way to


One of the most effective ways to ensure that the coffee you are drinking is fresh is to buy it from a local roaster. This will ensure that the coffee is roasted in the past few days. Coffee is certified “fresh”when it’s been less than 3 weeks since it’s been roasted. Once you get your roasted coffee, it is important to store it in an air tight jar to retain its flavour. Exposure to oxygen over time can reduce the coffee’s freshness which means a loss in flavour.


Roasting coffee is a highly complicated process which is best left to the professionals. Roasting coffee beans ensures that their flavour and taste are brought out effectively. however, applying excessive heat or improper roasting can be result in dull or burnt coffee which diminishes the overall quality of coffee.


Brewing coffee is as much a science as it is an art. Once you have fresh, good quality coffee beans, you will then have to grind it to a fine powder in order to brew it. Generally, home ground coffee is preferred when possible. However, not everyone has the time to grind coffee beans every day, thus it is recommended that your buy ground coffee in small batches to retain optimal freshness.

Coffee is one of the most widely traded commodity across the globe, and for a good reason too. A large section of the population across the country swears on the effectiveness of coffee as a “wake me up” agent, and is often the first thing the consume when they wake up.

At Bahrain Dalla, we deal in world class coffee sourced from leading suppliers from across the globe. To know more about our services and products, do visit our website at https://bmmr-bh.com/